That’s how Reddit was in the beginning.
Back then, you used to show someone “the front page of the internet” and it would literally be jailbait and tech news.
That’s how Reddit was in the beginning.
Back then, you used to show someone “the front page of the internet” and it would literally be jailbait and tech news.
The defense of “it’s so easy just pick a server” is getting exhausting.
The average person wants something that works.
I would have disagreed with you when Pis were like $50 and chaining 3 Pis together with a hard drive was a fun project to do self hosting.
Now to get to the beefiest raspberry pi, it’s $120. And in the range, yeah, for price and reliability, use a mini-pc/laptop.
Thanks for the write up! I had no idea this is why Suicide Squad was such a letdown.
Wonder woman is, in my opinion, an odd choice for a video game. I think it could be really good, and her rope would translate well to video game mechanics, but it doesn’t feel like Wonder Womans time to shine right now
Id argue that I felt the same about Batman not being translatable to a game during the 2000s. Video games based on comics were absolutely awful. Superman 64 was a nightmare, and Batman games were beat-em-ups or platformers.
But really smart creatives made the Arkham series work. So I’m optimistic that in the hands of strong visionaries, it’s absolutely possible.
Now, do I think WB has the capacity to make a good Wonder Woman game? Haha nope. Not after what they’ve shown in the last few years.
Ive been paying for Workflowy and honestly, I’ve reached my limit of cost vs value.
I needed a way to do more than just bullets, like Evernote without the bloat, or OneNote/Notes without the megacorp, something I can export and read 100 years from now.
I was surprised how often I use it, and slowly weening off of Workflowy.
I’m laughing way too hard at this.
Honestly this is the best answer.
Like, use the tools that work for your use case?
I fucking hate macs but man using a video editor on windows was a pain back in the day. Where I would rather set up a server on Linux, than use whatever the hell windows servers operate.
Addy user here! Been using it for years now and just last week, I saw an uptick in one of my aliases. Turned it off with a single toggle and no more spam.
The ability to self-host is awesome if I ever get to that stage. But right now, I want to keep giving them money.