go to linkedin and post the first thing you see (that provokes a reaction).
Why would you do this to me?
Great leadership is born under pressure.
Anyone can perform when things are easy. Real leadership shines in moments of pressure.
Most people react. Great leaders respond.
Here’s how you can too:
❌ “You need to calm down” ↳ Why: Instantly escalates tension ↳ Instead: “I’m noticing we’re both getting tense. Should we take a break?”
❌ “This is a complete disaster” ↳ Why: Spreads panic and paralyzes action ↳ Instead: “What’s the one thing we absolutely must get right?”
❌ “You should have known better” ↳ Why: Creates shame, not learning ↳ Instead: “What can we learn from this for next time?”
❌ “It’s not my fault” ↳ Why: Signals lack of ownership ↳ Instead: “I may have contributed to this. Help me understand where”
❌ “Just figure it out” ↳ Why: Shows poor leadership ↳ Instead: “Can we clarify what success looks like for both of us?”
❌ “Why isn’t this done yet?” ↳ Why: Creates defensiveness ↳ Instead: “What’s the most immediate barrier we need to address?”
❌ “That’s not my problem” ↳ Why: Destroys team cohesion ↳ Instead: “We’re on the same team. Let’s figure this out together”
❌ “I don’t have time for this” ↳ Why: Devalues others’ priorities ↳ Instead: “I want to give this proper attention. Can we schedule 30 minutes?”
❌ “I already told you that” ↳ Why: Makes people shut down ↳ Instead: “Let me explain this another way”
❌ “That’s how we’ve always done it” ↳ Why: Kills innovation ↳ Instead: “What if we tried a different approach?”
The truth: Reputations are fragile. And rebuilding them is expensive.
P.S. Which response do you want to use more often?
♻ Repost to help your network communicate better.
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Holy smokes Jeeps will reportedly show ads while you are freaking driving:
“Listen guys, if you don’t want me stabbing you you simply have to ask nicely every time, and also I’m trying real hard to reduce the rate of stabbing incidents so in a way I’m the victim here.”
Reading around it sounds like modern cars can be user-hostile in general, and this might not be new; so I’m sure glad I have one from the ancient times of 2012. It has a tiny unobtrusive screen which does nothing but show my music, the odometer, the backup camera, any warnings, and the Hatsune Miku wallpaper I loaded into it.