Chameleons do not camouflage with their skin either. Temperature regulation, finding a mate and expressing anger are the major reasons a cham has chromatophores.
Chameleons do not camouflage with their skin either. Temperature regulation, finding a mate and expressing anger are the major reasons a cham has chromatophores.
“That one fucking instance” is also acceptable.
You know which one.
He didn’t do it for long enough, unfortunately.
Qualitatively, GenAI shifts the nature of critical thinking toward information verification, response integration, and task stewardship.
Information verification is super important and probably just as important as raw critical thinking. However, when a person is stuck only validating shit output from genai, I could see that as a negative.
These aren’t leaks. It’s market testing in disguise.
I haven’t experienced the full ‘GO GO TAKE CARE OF NORMAL THINGS’
That behavior is learned, for the most part. The meds just help you follow through and stay on track to actually complete “normal” things.
Procrastination is normal. Starting to work on cleaning a room but somehow end up sorting screws in your neighbors garage is not normal.
Meds have limits and they aren’t magic. They are fucking awesome, but still, not magic.
There is a ton of stuff that you will need to sort out in your own brain over the next few months or years, TBH. Some ADHD’isms run deep. Some issues are correctable, some are not but that is for you to figure out on your own.
Sorry. The thread confused me at first and it looked like everyone was referring to the panda colors being for temperature regulation, when you were actually referring to the cham.