And yet again: install Linux. I’ve been a happy lojix desktop user forever 2 decades now. Linux was ready for normal users 10 years ago, it was more than ready 5 years ago, and it is definitely beyond ready today
And yet again: install Linux. I’ve been a happy lojix desktop user forever 2 decades now. Linux was ready for normal users 10 years ago, it was more than ready 5 years ago, and it is definitely beyond ready today
Ah so he’s again going to pay twice the amount of what it’s worth to then run of off a cliff and make it worth 20% of it’s real value within a years time?
Seriously, why do people still believe anything this scammer says?
KDE has an enormous system settings GUI.
Having said that, I use the console for like 90% of tasks. Basically I use either the GUI browser, an editor (I’m a dev) and the console through yakuake.
I use the console because it’s way WAY more efficient to get shit done. What teo windows admin do in 30 minutes I do in 30 seconds, and that was an actual event where we had to change DNS configurations inna large amount of customer servers.
Command console is not old tech, it’s efficient tech.
Having said that, most normal users shouldn’t have or need to access the console either and for most of the time, this rings true with Linux now. Yeah, there are few exceptions here and there, but then again, windows too requires these senslrss Registry settings, or sometimes even command line actions as well
Still better than endless tiktiok scroll, me thinks
Due to shitty company pokicies where I worked, I once had a 6 month stint of reading Wikipedia 4-6 hours a day out of boredom and fuck yeah did I learn a lot of bew things. Sure, not everything sticks, but it’s enough
I think it’s also worth noting that Elon Musk is a scammer. Every other word out of his mouth is likely a lie. He’s been claiming to already have technologies available for his Tesla cars, his SpaceX rockets, etc, all ready to go and… it never happened. Tesla full self driving? The Tesla taxis? SpaceX on Mars? The Tesla laughably stupid robots? Even those were faked.
Claims after claims for decades and literally no results
The guy is a full on bait and switch yet everyone seems to lap up everything this scammer says.
As much and as little that anonymous means, because of the name, because of what the name implies, because of what they do, claim they do, and well, we don’t know what they do… As much as all of that is true, it’s AWESOME to hear from them again, if it is them…
I can’t wait to see “real” anonymous actions again, lord knows we can use it
They are made in the Netherlands, yeah. ASML
We pledge this until we change our mind
Every large corporation ever
Lol, I’d love to watch everyone in the US paying triple for literally anything that has electronics in it.
If Trump then wants to build chips in the US, good luck. ASML is the only one with the machines, first of all, and by the time he can buy those, something tells me they might have some extra tarifs added to them, and then paying US salaries for electronics would skyrocket prices to people having to pay four-five times the amount of what they’re paying now.
Not saying that the near slavery conditions in Asia are fine, that should have changed decades ago, but the way trump is doing this is hilarious, people will want his head on a plattee
Do you have any experience installing only office?
I’ve tried installing it many times over the past decade with only one successful attempt about a decade ago.
Every few years I try to install it again and fail
I’m trying to install it now but again, nothing. I’ve tried installing it using the official scripts which wreck the operating system. Dame for using the official debs.
So I tried using the docker version and that just doesn’t do anything at all. I try opening the page on the right port and it connects and disconnects immediately.
I’ve used only office and it’s awesome. However, nothing is as hard to install as onlyofffice