tl;dr: Yes
tl;dr: Yes
Stop making sense in my circle jerk
Don’t they have an entire department dedicated to managing Musk, or is that only Space X?
the only reason I’m not this guy is that my hard drive was landfill long before it arrived at the dump and was exposed to the elements for over a decade.
also my wallet was encrypted and there is no way in fuck I’m remembering the longest password I ever used.
I mined on CPU so what I lost was then pennies that currently amount to hundreds of billions so if there was even the smallest chance it could be recovered I’d be in this headline.
you swim with shoes on?
key individuals
Such as Palestinian children
when do you ever?
if you can’t use it without a monitor it’s graphical
So we should still buy all the MD and MiniDV tape we can get our hands on though
Free YouTube Premium
so, Firefox pre-installed then?
“I would not mind at all if Gaza and Israel were both wiped off the face of the Earth,”
Musk re-hiring him is pure optics because the media is focusing on all the shit he said that they agree with.
Vegas odds he won’t accept the position because he didn’t quit he was pushed by people with actual power.
have you considered not having avocado toast and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps?
Some people just don’t want to be helped. it really is a choice, huh?
if you can overdraw your checking account I would seriously rethink … everything.
I think they’re in order of importance.
But only you know if you can cut or not. like, are you at the point where you need to live in your car or sleep at the office or could you just buy bulk rice and beans and keep your nice comfy bed.
And the most important part about cutting your spending, that he fails to mention, is putting those savings into an income stream like dividend stocks or a high interest savings account. Money sitting in a checking account is losing value every day.
Everything ties back into the first point, dependency on a single wage is the entire problem people are having.
Thanks Obama