Hopefully the death knells of a failing company and not a sign of something more sinister.
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
Garbage: Purple quickly jumps candle over whispering galaxy banana chair flute rocks.
Hopefully the death knells of a failing company and not a sign of something more sinister.
I think it’s telling that the more one knows about software, the less that they want it in their lives.
It’s garbage, but I have lock-in with Facebook messenger.
I don’t understand the naming convention. It’s not clear to me which is supposed to be the new console, as someone who is not thoroughly informed on the matter, and I think that is a marketing mistake.
Unsolicited opinion.
Contributing. It might still be interesting to some. It’s a slow community. Android news isn’t what it used to be. Why don’t you step up and contribute to show me how it’s done?
It’s intended to be spread on the chest and neck and act as a cough suppressant, and also have a soothing smell.
Yes. That’s what it appears to be to me. Many people like to use the product under the nose but it says on the label not to do this and there is a reason why it’s considered detrimental to one’s health.
PSA: Don’t put this on or in your nose! It can cause damage to the lungs, a condition known as lipoid pneumonia.
I agree, but Rule 6 does not allow me to editorialize a headline.
Sadly I’m sure there’s no such thing much like getting a license fee back if I don’t want Windows preinstalled.
They say they’re the distribution for humans. Apparently, it is so!
I think it doesn’t occur to most people to even consider what OS to use on a computer. They just use the computer.
From the beginning, I felt that it had to be some elaborate negotiation tactic. Both entities are focused on making as much money as possible of course, and as far as I can gather, they need each other.
Reduce your spend!
Rent is most of my budget. What else am I supposed to do?
I think you forgot the -Script.
I’d even have sympathy for this argument that introducing another language is a major undertaking (and it is!) but Linux is already full of lots of other languages (Macros, Makefile, Shell, BPF, assembly languages, Perl, Python scripts…) and developers are willing to do the work to use a language that helps solve problems Linux cares about.
When games get this big it merely ensures that they get uninstalled the moment I lose a bit of interest.
It saddens me when hard-working employees are punished for bad leadership.