I think it’s just disgusting to see these companies I am dependent on bowing down to Trump’s bullshit.
I think it’s just disgusting to see these companies I am dependent on bowing down to Trump’s bullshit.
I’ve already deleted Google maps. Deleting calendar will be tough.
I thought it was “butt verify” whoops
I’m referring to his complaints about open ai moving towards a for profit business model. Musk wants to stop this.
Would be funny to watch this go through and see how quickly he changes his mind on Open AI’s business model.
Any idea what ip addresses were used to compromise it?
Mobile game subscriptions (like apple) is good. Every once in a while I’ll find a great game with no ads. Just dlc. I usually try to support them. I’ve been playing unnamed space idle for months, and it’s a great example of a game of a developer that respects its players.
Flohcebook mohktplohce
I’ve never heard if this, but that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.