Learn to cook.
Learn to cook.
You complain, but still pay for it. That only encourages the gouging. The best way to make it stop is not patronizing food delivery services. Use any means necessary. If your tired, I totally get it, but paying them means you condone the behavior of price gouging and hidden fees.
I’m literally headed to the store now to make pizza. If you were local, I’d bring you a slice.
I don’t know your personal situation, but people need to learn to cook. Even a meal kit with 3 meals six plates all delivered to your door can cost less than that one order for two pizzas. Your local grocery has pre made pizza dough, sauce, and cheese, and can be cooked in less time than it takes to wait for delivery.
Hahaha. Just to really make my point: Safeway was offering premade medium sized pizzas for $4. You’re getting scammed.
The videos are hilariou$, especially 1f y0u havent beeen pr1med to kn0w about the gorilla.