But the battle for public transportation has been fought and lost already.
But the battle for public transportation has been fought and lost already.
This happened in the UK too with Brexit. When things turned out badly, in the exact way as was predicted, it was “this isn’t what I voted for”. But the problem was never with the vote itself, it was always the fault of politicians not implementing things correctly, it was the EU’s fault for not giving them what they wanted although they voted to be outside of it, experts didn’t warn them enough although they ridiculed said experts because the experts didn’t went along with the Brexit beliefs.
It’s like trying to be Scully and going against Mulder’s “I want to believe”.
But if AI takes jobs, wouldn’t in the end make most of the services they offer obsolete?
Of course they’re conveniently ignoring refineries catching fire or even gas station explosions. That seem to be regular events.
The moment the Trisolarans felt lucky.
The issue isn’t the way of testing, but the two standards. If Musk blows up rockets in testing it’s a genius move with rapid iteration. If NASA does this it’s irresponsible handling of tax payer’s money on risky endeavors.