You can configure this with window rules and autostart apps when Hyprland starts. That’s not remembering what you had open the last time, but it will probably give you the experience you’re looking for.
You can configure this with window rules and autostart apps when Hyprland starts. That’s not remembering what you had open the last time, but it will probably give you the experience you’re looking for.
While I agree that listing those separately is a bit odd, none of the Ubuntu releases you name are rolling releases. Debian testing is a very different experience.
4 is the best “old” civ in that it still has square tiles and doomstacks. Also the modding scene is insane for 4, massive total makeovers that make it a completely different game, far more interesting mods than any other civ game.
They stole that and some other mechanics from Humankind, a game by the same studio as Endless Legend. It wasn’t received that well in Humankind either, so I’m kinda surprised that they stole it anyway, but I guess line must go up and they didn’t have a lot of inspiration themselves?
That’s a really weird and dishonest take. If a compositor wants to implement that feature it absolutely can, Wayland or not has nothing to do with it. I’m just saying it isn’t implemented the way you want in the compositors I know of. Seems like all it needs is compositor developers who want what you want.