macron is exhausting
macron is exhausting
I see. This is something to ruminate, thanks for sharing.
I don’t understand the part with chips at the end. Why was the offer ridiculous ? do you mean the compensation was ridiculously higher than your usual ? I kinda did that recently, and am still hard at work to finish the thing in question,… so I can relate, I think.
some people wake up every day with the privilege of being vastly more functional than us.
epiphany moment ? it sounds obvious now doesn’t it ?
Exactly. There is no reason why you shouldn’t have your fun. If it’s concentrated there, at the beginning of projects, then so be it
What if you swap the locality name for “Metropolis”, and yours for “Lex Luthor”?
Yea 3 is amazing, especially in coop. Physics glitches are almost canonical ! Reach you will have a great time with too, it’s less space opera and more saving pvt ryan but the narrative is intense and beautiful. 4 isn’t bad, but the second to second combat is way less varied and fun than previous games, specifically the new enemies. Perhaps it shines in coop, I don’t know
I thought that went without saying
If my memory serves right the IWHBYD skull was datamined, not naturally found.
As for the painted backdrops in some cutscenes, the choice over a fully modeled environment makes sense in the context of the original release, the game ran at around 720p and you could barely tell. There’s another couple of these skyboxes later (start and end of the final level, “Halo”). I personally miss that in games today, I like painted art