Nope, people in IT know the cloud is actually countless servers on racks in a giant data center rotfl.
Nope, people in IT know the cloud is actually countless servers on racks in a giant data center rotfl.
That option has been removed for your convenience. Isn’t nice to not have control over the hardware you paid for?
You just made a Techbro angry somewhere in the world.
Pay for the ads just like cable became. Give us all your information so we may better fleece you while you are at it.
I just think you are unaware of the context. This story is about the new administration setting priorities. Were you aware that previously there were many accusations of voter fraud, even if unproven, by the Republicans.
Why would the people who complained the most suddenly decide it is not a priority. My comment was just a sarcastic take on that one issue because it is kind of a big deal.
They = Republicans
Cared so much = eliminating oversight into election interference. This is sarcasm.
Lie = sowing doubt about our election systems for the last several years and suddenly silent now that they won.
Cheat = controlling information flow by manipulating corporations, disenfranchising voters, reducing access to polls, passing laws to restrict voting rights, etc.
Sure, fluoride has been proven time and time again to be effective topically. There is no evidence ingesting fluoride, which is a poison, is good for the body. There is no mechanism in the human body to return fluoride to the teeth topically where it is proven effective once ingested.
Give me a moment, the rest of this post will be updated with a copy/paste from my previous post on the matter because it takes a lot of effort to summarize this topic.
The latest studies indicate fluoride in the drinking supply has little effect compared compared to fluoride toothpaste. So you once it is available the need for adding fluoride to water goes away. This has been supported by numerous studies comparing countries that do not add fluoride to their water.
I studied this in a 400 level water course at UNI. I got to visit wastewater and water plants and speak with operators. I was surprised to learn the fluoride was not naturally occuring in the water supply as it is advertised on the EPA website.
Then I found an article about a small town in Canada that ran out of fluoride because of a downturn in fertilizer manufacturing. I thought to myself what does fertilizer manufacturing have to do with fluoride.
That is when I discovered the truth that it is a toxic by-product of fertilizer manufacturing that is sold to municipalities to be disposed of in our water supply. It is not pharmaceutical fluoride because that would cost too much. Oh and it is contaminated with nasty stuff like heavy metals.
I then did a bunch of research comparing rates of tooth decay in different areas of the world. It really did not appear to make a difference but actual dental care and fluoride toothpaste did.
My presentation was about a hour and a half where I presented all my research. I got an A on it and everyone was very impressed with what I discovered.
Second edit:
We are begginig to understand about healthy mouth biomes which is evident in people who don’t naturally get cavities. If you have never been introduced to the bacteria that causes cavities or if you mouth biome naturally fights off and destroys this bacteria you will never get cavities.
In the future when our technology advances it may be possible to fight cavities without Flourode which is a still a poison even if it is effective.
Uhh sure, but both substances are sold by corporations. Both are poisons. One has no health benefits beyond an extreme minority and the other has great health benefits applied topically.
I won’t get into all the details about ingesting fluoride and where municipal fluoride comes from unless you want me to. It is a very unpopular here even if it is the truth.
They cared so much about election interference, so strange they would do this. Just kidding. It was always a lie and they are deceivers who want to cheat to win forever.
One is a choice the other is not.
They want you to lower yourself to their level. Wrestling pigs just gets you muddy. Please call them out though, it is important work.