6 days agoGradle is pretty awful actually, I’ve had to deal with it for years when I was writing Java. It’s pretty much the #1 reason I’ve stopped doing anything Java related.
Meson is the well designed option for C family languages. It also has support for Java, Rust, Swift, and a couple other languages. C is the most well supported though I think.
It also has a built-in dependency downloader that respects the system installed packages (and therefore distro packagers).
My favorite is still the Dualshock 3. Works mostly out of the box in Linux (you need to tweak a setting in the bluez config as of somewhat recently). I haven’t tried making them work on Windows in well over 10 years but from what I can see Steam has special support for them, otherwise you need a standalone driver. Can’t say anything to how comfortable they’d be with your hands however :P