Our whole existence has turned into an Onion article.
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Our whole existence has turned into an Onion article.
Agreed. I read their debut post on the logo, and I still think it was an unwise change.
Yes. A previous version. It works pretty well for books you don’t need voice actors. If all you need is a reading voice, this will work relatively well. Just… don’t be me, and actual read the docs.
It’s a bd writer, it can backup my media out of the box.
Edit: oh, I see. You mean “backup”. Lol gotcha. Yeah, cracking would be needed for that.
I care, too, and am constantly disappointed by reviews. You’re not alone, mate.
What’s the benefit of cracking the drive?
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the problem, but if someone doesn’t want to be locked into their increasingly expensive services, then they shouldn’t be using those services in the first place. I feel like I missed your point, though…
As someone who is intimately familiar with Google’s shenanigans, this is not worth activating. These are insulting of them.
Keep all your free trial. I’mma uninstall stock android anyway.
It’s manufacturer specific. What brand is your phone?
And the world chanted: break! Break! Break!
This chant could be heard from the most populated city centers to the seemingly barren deserts.
Linus. The hero we need. But not the hero we deserve.