Whoever decided to use dark patterns at @googlepixel to trick users into activating backup on photos while just trying to browse their Pixel just added to my chaos pile today.
Oh, yeah, I turned off the backup feature a year ago when I decided to go crazy with videos and one little push of the backup button would shut down my quota instantly.
Hand phone to child to view photos. Miss them hitting the backup all button. Quota destroyed.
As a selling point, photo backup used to not count against Pixel owners’ Google account data storage maximum… then Google apparently sold enough Pixels to rescind the offer.
@f4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 yup, I’m glad to have received a refurbished Pixel 5 after my first one started to having a swelling battery issue recently. Those models continue to enjoy effectively infinite storage.
Also have a newer model which lost that benefit, the source of today’s kvetching.