Nice to see native Linux support and not just relying on Proton to do the work.
I love Proton so much, but it’s so good it’s enabled many devs to not bother with native Linux ports.
Any word on Civ 6 getting the treatment?
I don’t like paying full price for Civ, and prefer to wait until there’s a GOTY edition to fix all of the annoyances that eventually get ironed out.
Civ6 runs fine on Linux
Civ VI runs great on my Steam Deck.
I believe the only reason civ 6 isn’t verified is because the keyboard doesn’t automatically appear when needed, otherwise it works pretty seamlessly in my experience. Good controller support, touch pad is ideal for navigating the UI, and I setup a custom virtual menu with hot keys for common actions.
There’s technically a native Linux version too, but lacks multithreading so Windows version with proton is still better.
Really cool to see “mainline” titles getting this prior to release. Had a friend get pulled into Marvel Rivals who mainlines Linux at home, and he had actually 0 issues getting it running at the time. Literally just download and play. Civ also seems like the perfect game to play on a Deck, so this is a no brainer, but cool to see this stuff is getting more popular to support out-the-box.
My old PC could barely launch STALKER 2 so I decided it was time to upgrade. While picking out the parts I also decided I wanted to try using Linux as the OS. Then I got worried some of my games wouldn’t work. I mean, would STALKER 2 even run on Linux? What about Monster Hunter? Surley these huge titles wouldn’t have Linux support! They do. They work out of the box. It’s amazing how far Linux support for gaming has come.
I think I remember hearing about a bunch of Linux rivals players getting caught up in bans recently. BUT I also heard the company apologized, stated it was a mistake and reinstated them all. Which was sad to see happen but an extremely good sign that they wanted those players.